Monday, December 13, 2010

Letter from my Niece

LETTER FROM MY NIECE, she is in 6th grade:

Dear Charlotte-Mecklenburg School Board,

This morning at school I was informed that this year I will be having a Social Studies EOY. I don’t think this is a worth while test; I have many reasons to believe this I hope you recognize this and take them into consideration.

Budget Cuts: This year our school system has had severe budget cuts, it’s no secret, some of my teachers even have had to practically beg students to bring in copy paper. Making all those test booklets and bubble sheets doesn’t come cheap. Every year Americans spend millions to make those tests, you’re just adding to that.

Effectiveness: Standardized Tests aren’t all there cracked up to be. Standardized tests (especially the multiple-choice variety) give a false impression of objectivity and consequently of equal opportunity and fairness. ( Aha… all of the CMS standardized tests I’ve taken are multiple choice and I expect that this one will be to, so is it really going to help.

Is Social Studies Worth It: OK so math and reading I understand we need those in our everyday life, but very few occupations need Social Studies. The top ten US jobs don’t require social studies. Now just imagine have you ever been in the grocery store and the cashier told you, you couldn’t buy your food unless you explained the feudal system.

I hope this information gave you some student insight on this upcoming Social Studies EOY.


Clara Leonard
6th Grade
Crestdale Middle School

1 comment:

  1. Hilarious! What an intelligent young lady! Future Lawyer???
